broker rumah dan tanah bahasa Inggris
- broker: jobber; middleman; factor; agent; broker;
- rumah: home; homestead; house; kip; houses; place; house
- dan: and; or; n; following; both; then; along with;
- tanah: earth; estate; ground; land; soil; dirt; acres;
- bisnis tanah dan rumah: real estate
- tanah dan rumah pertanian: farmstead
- perantara jual beli rumah dan tanah: estate agent
- broker: jobber; middleman; factor; agent; broker; wholesaler
- the broker - si broker: the broker
- broker asuransi: insurance broker; insurance agent
- broker impor: import broker
- broker investasi: investment broker
- broker maklumat: information broker
- broker perkapalan: ship brokerage
- broker uang: money broker